Manjakani Vagina and Feminine Health Tonic x 10 herbal pills x 30 satchets (30 days)

27.80 $

Quantity: 10 pills x 30 sachets (30 days treatment cycle)
Origin: Medan, Indonesia
Producer: PT Mustika Putri Deli
POM TR : 033420101
* Registered product with the NADFC (The National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Republic of Indonesia) or Badan POM.
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3 in one formula Manjakani, Serapet and Sirih

This 3 in 1 Manjakani formula strengthens and tightens the muscles of the uterus. Tighten muscles of the feminine sex organ. Tighten the abdominal muscles (slimming), preventing and reducing excess mucus, prevent and treat vaginal discharge (whitish disease), eliminate the itching around the intimate organs of feminity, cope with pain during menstruation, cope with onging menstruation, increase vitality and enhance sexual experiences.


Manjakani (below) is formed from the leaves known as quercus infectoria (scientific name) with the presence of wasps known as cynips tinctorial or cynips gallaetinctoria.

The formation of Manjakani herb is quite interesting, the leaves of Oaktree are attacked by a stinging wasp which later causes a chemical reaction and forms a round shape browning ball known as Oak Gall.

According to research, the best manjakani is known as ‘Mecca Manjakani’ or ‘Allepo Manjakani’ which is originated in Allepo, Syria.

Yoni care

The Malay Way, in particular, focuses on the health of the woman’s reproductive organs. This formula is suitable for mature women undergoing menopausal inconveniences.

The effectiveness of manjakani has been proven especially in treating vaginal discharge, sore throat, ulcer, and also skin problems. Studies have shown that manjakani is rich in tannins, vitamin A and C, calcium, and gallic acid, fiber, protein and carbohydrates. Besides that, manjakani also contains the elements of astringency, anti-microbes, and anti-inflammatory.

Due to the rich contents of tannins in manjakani, it is widely used in the traditional medicine especially in healing external tissue damage and also tightening the vagina muscle due the childbirth process. Research also shown that the astringent properties in manjakani can help restore the vaginal tissue growth, strength and elasticity.

What does all this leads to? A more confident and attractive you, not just in appearance but more important, sexually. We cannot deny the important role sex plays in a matrimony. But we deny it at our own demise.

Betle Piper (Daun Sirih) in this Manjakani formula


Daun Sirih is a type of vines, that is found in rural areas in Indonesia, which are often eaten and chewed. Usually chewed with betel leaf gambier, areca nut and lime in the rural areas. In ancient times, it is often used by grandmothers in their health concoction for their families. Betel leaf isalso used in medications for sore eyes and teeth problems. This is why you see many older Indonesian folks with a set of teeth befitting a much younger person.   That is because the active substances within the betel leaves are needed by our body to prevent various diseases. It is also heavily used in early Indonesian medication to treat various types of diseases.


5 pills contains:

1. Galiae Fructus 720 mg
2. Piper Betle 72 mg
3. Parameriae Cortex 45 mg
4. Granati Fructus Cortex 36 mg


5 pills, twice daily. 30 days treatment cycle.
Not recommended for pregnant women and during menstruation. Avoid cucumber, pineapple and papaya. Pair the Manjakani Jamu pills with our topical spray or vaginal beads for a complete feminine care ritual.

Manjakani benefits

DepKes RI number 

In the interest of safety, the government of Indonesa advises that only those brands of jamu carrying the Indonesian Food and Drug Control Directorate (the DepKes RI Number) on the packet should be consumed. (DepKes is the acronym for the Departmen Kesehatan te Department of Health and RI stands for Republic of Indonesia) These registration numbers (issued also by the Departmen Kesehatan) must, by law, be printed on every bottle or packet. The number is issued only after the product has been tested by government laboratories and met a stringent set of requirements. If the name of the jamu changes after registration, the whole process must be repeated.


1. Quantification of Gallic Acid and Tannic Acid from Quercus infectoria (Manjakani) and their Effects on Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities, Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology . Jul2015, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p351-362. 12p., Ab. Rahman, N. S.; L., Md. Salleh; A., Abd. Majid F.; Harisun, Y.

2. Effect of extraction temperatures on tannin content and antioxidant activity of Quercus infectoria (Manjakani)

OF Quercus infectoria GALL EXTRACTS