Jamu Herbal Feminine Care; Vagina Tightening Black Beads x 2 bottles

21.90 $

Quantity: Approximately 10 herbal beads x 2 jars
Origin: Chiang Mai, Thailand

Out of stock



Secret of the irresistible Indo maiden; #vaginatightening

vagina tightening

Vagina tightening and scenting is an important ritual for Indo-pacific women. For women with loose vaginal muscles, especially after giving birth, muscular slack due to aging or excessive sex. Pills help to tighten the vaginal walls, enhancing sensitivity during sexual intercourse for both parties. Also helps to remove odors and discharges, making the vagina smells and tastes pleasant. Many women have reported that the sweet smell and tastes of the vagina is addictive to their men. Made entirely of baked herbal ingredients.

Odors and yellow green discharge are a turn off for men, it is important to not expose these.

Each bottle contains approximately 10 black baked herbal beads.

Benefits of the Jamu feminine care black beads

1. For the treatment of uterhra of all kinds. Leucorrhoea will disappear when the black pills are inserted.
2. Having sexual intercourse is possible when the black pills are used. Helps to prevent infections.
3. Suitable for women to tighten the vagina, providing youthful sex for both partners as the vagina walls tighten its ‘noose’ around the male organ.
4. Use regularly to maintain youthful sexual function. Regular usage will gradually tighten up the vagina further.
5. Helps normal menstruation, reduces menstrual pain.
6. Kills vagina bacteria.
7. Reduces musty smell at the private areas.


Black oak gall


The Jamu herbal feminine care  black beads dissolve within 24 hours. Insert 1-2 black pills into the vagina and allow to melt. Leave it. No rinsing is required. Insert before bedtime. The bead will dissolve with the body fluids and heat and there will be minimal, unnoticeable residue. Any residue will be passed out in the urine or during shower in the morning.

Use once a day to treat more urgent problems. Or use regularly on alternate days to maintain virginal quality of the sex organ. Vary the number of beads from 1-3 per session according to need.