Jamu Seahorse Ginseng Tonic Aphrodisiac

24.70 $

Quantity: 100 dried herbs caplets
Origin: Indonesia
Producer: P.T. Ikong pharmaceutical industry
P.O.M. No. TR 172599851
* Registered product with the NADFC (The National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Republic of Indonesia) or Badan POM.
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Jamu Seahorse Ginseng Tonic
Aphrodisiac Jamu to cope with sexual and nervous weakness.

The ingredients used in the Jamu Seahorse Ginseng Tonic are natural and empirically has a history of its efficacy to increase sex drive, improve the energy for erection and protect the case of premature ejaculation. It is also a prosexual nutrient for the sexually active man/woman to safeguard his/her sexual health. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224008026_Seahorses_a_source_of_Traditional_medicine)

Key aphrodisiac ingredient: The seahorse is the only animal in the world which reproduces from the male of the species. The female produces the eggs and transfers them to the male’s brood pouch which fertilises and incubates them before giving birth.

The difference between synthetic aphrodisiac products and traditional strengthening formulas is that the former forces the body to use its own source of energy while the latter provides the energy for sex, at the same time safeguarding the body’s primal energy source. This prevents excessive drainage of sexual energy. Over-use of sexual energy damages the body’s energy source, the kidneys, in particular. To illustrate, forcing a car to go on an empty tank can only damage its mechanism further. Over time, the engine will need nothing less than on over haul to keep it in use. However, the body is not like an engine, an over haul is not possible in many cases.

Sex tonics are often not required but if the practice of sex is frequent or that the person has advanced beyond youthfulness, tonics are necessary as part of the healthy regime. Men with low testosterone levels often have fewer sexual thoughts, fantasies, interest in sex, and spontaneous morning erections. Also, they have a higher incidence of depression, poor concentration and fatigue. Supplements can improve these problems and bring about sexual and mental benefits. The Jamu seahorse ginseng tonic is one such traditional product.

Main ingredient 1: Panax ginseng 

ginseng aphrodisiac

The health promoting nature of Panax Ginseng as a natural adaptogen has been conformed in various clinical studies. It dilates the blood vessels and improves their elasticity, thereby promoting the erection of the penis. Panax Ginseng is commonly referred to as the ‘True Ginseng’ (being the most researched ‘Ginseng’ actually belonging to the plant family of ‘Ginseng’) and appears to be effective for mood, immunity, and cognition, erections, sperm count and motility. Other herbal ingredients in the Kukubima jamu include:

  1. Plantaginis Folium has an effect to stimulate a man’s motoric nerves in the pelvic region, thereby sustaining virility and preventing premature ejaculation.
  2. Hippocampus*, empirically used to cope with male/female sexual problems and has a long acting effect.
  3. Strobilanthi Folium has an effect to relieve pain at the joints and to heal fatigueability.


Its good for male/female with a weak disposition, strengthening the nervous system, increases the flow of urine, to dissolve and expelling kidney stones, bladder stones and cure lambago. It is a tonic to maintain good health, sexual stamina and a harmonious marital life. Its main curative effect is on the kidneys. When taking this supplement, the colour of the urine will change to a tinge of blue or greenish. This urinary colour change is a normal reaction.

Overcomes sexual problems ie:

  1. Premature ejaculation
  2. Erectile dysfunction
  3. The Seahorse Ghenshen also:
  4. Improves sexual energy and vitality
  5. Increases stamina and bodily defense
  6. Improve sperm quality
  7. Healing back pain and fatigueability

Ingredients of Jamu Seahorse Ginseng Tonic

  1. Hippocampus (seahorse) 2mg
  2. Panax Ginseng 20mg
  3. Plantaginis Folium 125mg
  4. Orthosiphonis Folium 125mg
  5. Strobilanthi Folium 125mg
  6. Retrofracti Fructus 103mg


2 caplets two times a day. Tip: Take half dose if you are 35 years old and below unless you tend to feel weak often.

Main ingredient 2: Hippocampus

seahorse aphrodisiacA TCM book written by Li Shao Pin, et.al. (left) stated that seahorses are highly regarded and highly acclaimed in Chinese medical philosophy. A seahorse is a type of fish closely related to pipefishes and belonging to the scientific family Syngnathidae. It is a unique species in that the male becomes pregnant and gives birth to the offspring. seahorse and ginseng are warm in property and should be consumed by individuals who are not suffering from any heat related ailments.

Seahorses are known to contain natural testosterone and are used to cure a variety of aliments including sexual dysfunction such as impotence and infertility. Other ailments include respiratory disorders such as asthma, circulatory problems such as heart disease, kidney, liver disease, throat infections, skin ailments, general lethargy and pain. seahorse aphrodisiac

Seahorse has potent curative properties in tonifying the Kidneys, fortifying the Yang energy and enriching the Blood. The seahorse is a panacea for most of man’s ailments as well as his aging woes. Recent tests have noted that seahorse essence fed to mice prolonged the oestrus period and increased the weight of the uterus in normal female mice. It also gave emasculated mice an oestrus period.

In the distant past, this precious Chinese substance used to be the provenance of the rich and powerful. They are now popular health giving commodities in most Chinese homes.

Modern scientific research has proven the pharmaceutical effects of seahorse. Hippocampus kuda has various bioactivities such as anti-tumor, anti-aging, and anti-fatigue as well as Ca2+ channel blocking properties (Kumaravel et al. 2010). A peptide derived from H. kuda has been shown to be effective in chondrocytes and inflammatory arthritis (Kumaravel et al. 2012). In addition, seahorses have a putative free radical scavenging effect in controlling aging process (Kumaravel et al. 2012). However, the natural source of seahorse has dramatically reduced owing to overfishing, unsustainable trade, and habitat destruction (Qian et al. 2012). Therefore, seahorses became the first commercially valuable marine genus to be protected and included in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in 2004 (Segade et al. 2015).seahorse aphrodisiacProperties 

A. Enhances sexual vigour

Due to the aging process, stress and other factors, our sexual energy can diminish, resulting in unfulfilling and imbalanced family life.
Sexual energy is the function of an individual’s health. Other factors that can cause a decline in sexual energy are:

1. Emotional imbalance
2. Long term illness
3. Evil cold attacking the kidneys
4. Insufficient sleep
5. Physical fatigue; excessive physical exertion
6. Inappropriate drug therapies
7. Insufficient nutrition
8. Invasive surgeries

B. Protects the kidneys

The ancient Chinese herbalists have long asserted that the kidneys is linked to sexual vigor. Individuals with weak kidneys age earlier, manifesting symptoms as back and waist pain, weak legs, fear of cold, white hair, loose or lost teeth, dark eye rings, short urinations, dizzy spells, indifferent sexual desire, long time infertility after marriage, insomnia and others.

What causes weak kidneys? 

Weak kidney essence from birth, childhood malnutrition, excessive sex or over exertion through self-stimulation. These led to an excessive discharge of the kidney essence, damaging the kidneys.

Kidney essence manifesting as sperm 

There is a strong relationship between the quality of sperm and sex. In general, sex consumes sperm and sperm is the foundation of sex. Sperm is the essence of life and is the basic building blocks of life. Sperm also has large quantities of nutrients that supports and sustains life. A single ejaculation from a healthy male can release up to 2 to 5 million of sperm cells. This requires a strong exertion of energy on the reproductive system.

Sperm multiplies on its own and can defend against diseases. In the ancient classic, ‘Huang Di Nei Jing’, it is mentioned that if the precious fluid is stored within, one can remain healthy and disease-free and if one’s sperm essence is weak, its defense against diseases is greatly reduced. The ancients advised that this powerful life energy can be stored, transformed and used for the good of mankind through enhanced creativity, endurance and energy.

Sexual gratification should be held in abstinence and not be abused for the sake of temporal thrill, excitement or leisure. Excessive sex can result in fatigue in the body’s system. Unrestrained use of sex toys or synthetic medication to enhance the experience can cause over-exertion on the mind and body. This will lead to chronic fatigue and diseases.


  1. Tang, W.C.1987.Chinese medicinal materials from the sea. Abs Chinese Med.1, 571-600
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224008026_Seahorses_a_source_of_Traditional_medicine
  3. https://fas.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s41240-017-0048-x
  4. Kumaravel K, Ravichandran S, Balasubramanian T, Sonneschein L. Seahorses—a source of traditional medicine. Nat Prod Res. 2012;26:2330–4.
  5. Kim S, Kim J, Lee Y, Seo MK, Sung DJ. Anti-fatigue effects of acute red ginseng intake in recovery from repetitive anaerobic exercise. Iran J Public Health. 2016;45:387–9.

DepKes RI number 

In the interest of safety, the government of Indonesa advises that only those brands of jamu carrying the Indonesian Food and Drug Control Directorate (the DepKes RI Number) on the packet should be consumed. (DepKes is the acronym for the Departmen Kesehatan te Department of Health and RI stands for Republic of Indonesia) These registration numbers (issued also by the Departmen Kesehatan) must, by law, be printed on every bottle or packet. The number is issued only after the product has been tested by government laboratories and met a stringent set of requirements. If the name of the jamu changes after registration, the whole process must be repeated.


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