Medicinal Leech oil with Butea Superba. #leechoil
This blend of ‘Super Red’ Leech Oil for penis enlargement and repair was originally formulated and prepared by a family (Ibu Lani) in West Java, Indonesia. Ibu Lani’s oils are characterized by the ballooning size of the penis and the thickness of the veins during massage. The veins remain significant in size for some time after the massage. The user will also notice that the penis has lengthened even in the flaccid state. This oil, with Galangal, is also used to massage the limbs when blood circulation is retarded or blocked, eg. gout, bruises, etc.
Butea Superba
Ibu Lani’s Leech oil is the only leech oil formulated with Butea Superba (Red Kwao Khrua), a tuberous root found only in Northern Thailand.
This tuberous root contains natural flavonoids and flavonid glycosine with a high genital vasodilation effect via the production of nitric oxide to promote sexual function, sensitivity, and performance. Used in the Ibu Lani leech oil, it helps to increase sexual function and erectile capacity. Butea Superba root has been and still is an important component of Thai traditional medicine. Butea Superba is considered a natural prohormone because of the phyto-androgens this plant contains.
Butea Superba in our oil helps to relax and dilate blood vessels inside the erectile tissue chambers (Corpora Cavernosa) of the penis, allowing for a greater blood flow to the penis.
Before erection occurrence, Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) is activated. This chemical breaks down another chemical known as cGMP, resulting in a decrease of smooth muscle relaxation to the penis, which leads to the termination of the erection.
Butea Superba oil helps to maintains a persistent production levels of cGMP, a chemical produced in the penis during sexual arousal and the primary chemical that relaxes smooth muscles and increases blood flow to the penis and, therefore, stretching the walls of erectile tissue chambers. In this sense, the longer PDE-5 can be blocked, the longer the erection will be.
Ibu Lani leech oil preparation
The leeches are cleaned with a herbal solution, dried, powdered and using the boiling cauldron method to produce the oil. The base of this oil is made from Sesame seeds. Ibu Lani’s oils are characterized by how thick the penis and the veins are during the massage. The penis will feel warm and will appear darker as blood circulation is increased. The user will also notice that the penis is also lengthened during its flaccid state. The veins remain thick for some time after the massage. Below shows the progress of a 45 year old customer.

Picture of veins network
Ibu Lani on the secret of safe penis enlargement:
Tendons are the connective tissue that attach muscles to bone, and they play a very big part in penile erection as well as maintaining an erection. To illustrate, muscles grow in size when you lift weights (erecting), but tendons grow when muscles meet resistance but don’t’ move (when maintaining an erection). This is why bodybuilders, who take steroids to pump up their muscles, often rupture tendons by doing simple activities such as climbing stairs, because while the size of their muscles grew, the strength in their tendons did not, leaving them weak in proportion to the activity being performed and resulting in injury. Tendons are often compared to acting like strong rubber bands for muscles (which forms a large part of a penis); and, therein lies a very important clue as to how to develop a powerful penis. Ibu Lani often stress that the tendons and veins must grow in size and strength before the muscles of the penis can grow. It is useless to have a large limp mass that cannot hold a hard erection. As the veins grow in size, more blood and nutrients are supplied to the muscles and tendons to build up its strength and size. This is the safest method to increase (the size) of your organ.
Directions: leech oil for penis enlargement
Apply the oil over the entire head, shaft and the testicles of the penis. Massage according to attached instructions. The oil is not a sex aid or masturbation aid. It is formulated with the sole purpose of enlarging and strengthening the penis. This oil is also used by martial artists to strength the hands and feet for physical combat.
In addition to the massaging the visible veins on the penis, emphasis should also be made to these areas. Dab more oils to these areas: Pull back the foreskin to access the ring just below the penis head (1,2,3) and the base of the penis (4,5,6) and finally massage upwards until the navel area.
This oil is thicker in consistency so do expect it to harden during cold season. One way to soften up the oil is to place the bottle in a cup of warm/hot water.
We make low volume, small batches to maintain hygiene and integrity of the oil
Our leech oils are made in very small batches to ensure it is freshly brewed. It is more time consuming for us but we take satisfaction in the knowledge that our customers are deriving the best from Nature. The Ibu Lani leech oils are not like other highly commercialised oils which are cheaply made in large quantities and given a long shelf life. We prefer our customers to use the oils as soon as they are brewed. Freshness matters to us.
Conventional leech oils are cold produced. Ibu Lani’s leech oil is double boiled and hand pressed to extract the final concoction. The final product is hygienic, fresh and potent.
1. Leech essence (X species) 8g, 2. Nigella Sativa 2g, 3. Kaempferia Galanga 2g, 4. Butea Superba 4g, 5. Purwoceng root (Pimpinella Alpina), 6. Ginjelly oil
Safe and reliable leech oil
The leeches are cleaned with a herbal solution, dried, powdered and boiled to produce the oil. Only genuine medicinal leeches are used for our oils.
For hundred of years the native man of Malaya/Java – the elite and adepts who usually keep 4 wives – have been using a special ointment to care for their penis and maintain its virility.
This traditional method and remedy have a striking similarity with the practice of desert Arab men known for their sexual prowess as explained in Sir R F Burton’s translation of Sheikh Umar el-Nefzawi book entitled “Rawd at-Tirr” or in English, The Perfumed Garden. In chapter 17 of this classical Tunisian-Arab sex-journal of the 16th century, it expounded on how the penis can be made bigger and stronger with this massage oil:
” Prescriptions for Increasing the Dimensions of Small Members and for Making Them Splendid ….a fourth remedy is based upon the use made of leeches (Hirudo Medicinalis) but only of such as live in water (sic). You put as many of them into a bottle as can be got in and fill it up with oil. Then expose the bottle to the sun until the heat of the same has effected a complete mixture. With the fluid thus obtained, the member is to be rubbed several consecutive days and it will, by being thus treated, become of a good size and of full dimensions. The efficacy of all these remedies is well known and I have tested them.”
Javanese leech oil recipe
The original Javanese recipe differs from that mentioned in Karma Sutra. The original Javanese recipe indicates that the leech and other herbs must be cooked inside fresh green coconuts and boiled over charcoals. This concoction eventually becomes a concentrated oil which is dark and thick. Masters of the art of penile enhancement have dwindled greatly in Indonesia. Original formulas have passed to descendents. Much more highly guarded are the mantras which are used to psychically enlarge the organ during the use of the oils. The good oils that we carry will leave behind a film of oil to protect your instrument from the cold of the environment. Coldness can penetrate the penis to render it weak. This is especially true when a man takes a shower, a swim or leaving the penis wet after sex.
You should see some permanent increase in around 40 days. After 40 days, the gains will be reduced by about 20%. The treatment should be continued for another 1-2 cycles to further the gains until the optimum size is reached (which varies from man to man) and thereafter the gains will be permanent.
Please note that once a man reaches 60 years old, the penis, like other muscle parts start to loose mass. Continued use of this natural oil helps to maintain muscle mass. Maintenance use need not be daily. Once every 2-3 days is sufficient. The oil is not only for size gain but for the protection of the organ from deterioration.
Penis strengthening with leech oil
As there are many penis enlargement aids in the market, it is important to distinguish the difference between a large but limp penis and a hard muscular penis supported by strengthened tendons and muscles. The corpus cavernosum contains spongy erectile tissue. Cavernosal arteries run along the middle of each corpus cavernosa. The function of the corpus cavernosum is to facilitate penile erections. As a man age, the tendons and muscles supporting the spongy structure begin to weaken, thus retarding the sexual performance and satisfaction of the couple. The leech massage oil strengthens the muscles, blood vessels and the tendons of the genitalia. A basic structure of the veins around a penis:
Mechanical penis enlargement devices temporary swell the blood vessels to give an appearance of enlargement, the initial result can be impressive, especially with oral steroids medication. But over the long term, it damages the intricate circulatory network of the genitalia. The effect is largely cosmetic. We do not recommend sacarificing strength for size.
It is not just about the size of the penis but its virility, such as how fast to get an erection, how long it sustains, how hard it can hold and the rate of recovery. If only size is desired, any hand pump can mechanically induce a bloated appearance of the penis.
Does leech oil work?
Hirudin is a enzyme derived from the medicinal leech Hirudo Medicinalis, once used by doctors for bloodletting. Hirudin is often used following microsurgery (e.g. the replacement of a severed finger) to restore blocked or collapsed blood vessels and encourage the growth of new capillaries. The anticoagulants in the saliva of this and other species are now being investigated for the treatment and prevention of thrombosis. Leech therapy, as it is known, has been in use for many years to treat various disorders
This preparation is suitable for those who:
1. have problems in maintain and prolonging an erection.
2. want to increase/enhance their manhood.
3. want to avoid early release
4. want to strengthen the walls and the chambers weak urinary tract
5. develop and correct misplaced veins and poor blood flow
Leech oil benefits
1. Increase the size
2. Strengthens the walls, veins, muscles and chambers
3. Recover elasticity of urinary tract and seminal tract
4. Recover vital veins
5. Smoother urinary flow
How does leech oil help with erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is an important warning sign of heart attack and stroke. Heart disease is the number 1 killer of men over 35. Until the recent studies on ED, sudden death was the first symptom in 33 percent of people with heart disease. Erectile dysfunction is a serious sign of blood vessel disease throughout the body. The small blood vessels in the body are impaired before the larger vessels in the heart or brain, so men got ED before they have a heart attack or stroke. Iranian researchers found that ED increased the risk of coronary artery disease by 125 percent. Do not ignore the tiny blood vessels of the penis. Your flagging penis can save your life. (Journal Sexual Magazine, 6:3425-3432, 2009)
This oil is formulated using botanicals, herbs and oils that are well known for their special properties. The oil is further enhanced with Hirudo Medicinalis. The anticoagulant effect of Hirudin, along with the natural herbs and oils, encourages the natural process of regeneration of blood vessels along the length of the penis. If there are any obstructions in the blood vessels, the natural effect of the oil will clear them.
In cross section, the penis is divided into 3 compartments. Most of the penis is filled by 2 identical zones that are the ramrod- like corpora carvernosa (CC) that become erect when blood is trapped in thousands of sponge like spaces. The long thin compartment that runs along the underside of the penis in the middle is the corpus spongiosum (CS) that is the nerve center. When you start to get an erection, blood flows into these compartments causing the penis to enlarge. This happens because of physical or psychological stimulation. As blood enters these compartments, there is a temporary reduction in the rate and volume of blood leaving the penis.
This special oil is applied along the entire length of the penis. The massaging of the oil will improve blood flow into the corpora carvernosa (CC) resulting in more blood being trapped in its sponge like spaces. Male vigor and stamina is returned to the user as the natural process of regeneration of blood vessels allows for a better blood flow into these compartments, hence an enhanced erection. Most importantly, this oil is also used for esoteric massage to delay aging and to enhance mental faculty.
Herein lies the key to an extraordinary control of ejaculation. When the veins are engorged with blood and energy, the physical exercises (included) trains the control of all major muscles along the penis. With regular use of the oil, the user can learn to control these muscles to ejaculate at will. Thus, he can control if he wants an ejaculation, thus saving precious energy, or to withhold the ejaculation and prolong the sexual encounter. The man with supreme control of these penile muscles can also experience multiple orgasm by with-holding ejaculation at the precise moment just before ejaculation. Through such controls, which becomes at will with practice, a man can have multiple orgasms as well as satisfy his female counterpart.
Dear Peggy, I received the order yesterday, and am pleased with my purchase. Everything that your shop claims about these items are true! I will be placing another order in the near future. ( ….) Hooray for the Jamu Shop!
Sincerely, D. G.
Dear jamushop
i ordered ibu lani premium leech oil and special blend leech oil from jamushop on 1 st week of sep RC951142308SG and i was surprised that i got my items today just about 2 weeks…..its way faster international shipping and both oil are high quality ..even after massaging first time my penis has become fuller and thicker even in flaccid state…..willing to order again..please provide details if u have any discount offer or quote i am going to refer your shop to my friends as well.Excited to hear from u
thank you so much
n. bhujel
new york united states
Hi Jac, Is from your web “i ordered ibu lani premium leech oil and special blend leech oil from jamushop on 1 st week of sep RC951142308SG and i was surprised that i got my items today just about 2 weeks …..its way faster international shipping and both oil are high quality ..even after massaging first time my penis has become fuller and thicker even in flaccid state… ..willing to order again..please provide details if u have any discount offer or quote i am going to refer your shop to my friends as well.Excited to hear from u “
Best regards, T.N.
Hello I have purchased your Leech Oil and thought it was a great product and was wondering if you do bulk pricing? I really love the product and would enjoy to use it all the time buy the price is rather high per item. Can you do lower prices if I buy more of them?
Why massage?
Penis enlargement and strengthening requires effort. It requires regular oil massage. A few minutes a day is sufficient. Health and peak physical performance should not be taken for granted. When massaging, make sure to massage until the suporting veins have enlarged (see pic below)
Result is permanent but maintenance is necessary. Many would like to believe that there are magical potions or contraptions that will allow them to achieve impressive gains without some work. Men of past generations are practical people. The body is their temple, they work, eat and play through the body; it is their tool for day to day survival. They recognise that as the body ages, muscles degenerate, veins tighten and tendons loosen. They know that regular upkeep of the body is necessary. The same goes with the most wondrous tool of all, the penis. Today, even the most talented bodybuilder knows that regular workouts and good nutrition is important to maintain his physique. This will ensure that the gains he made earlier can be sustained throughout his life. Here, the oil is that nutrition and the massage techniques the workout program.
Massage, as compared to other mechanical means of enlarging and strengthening the penis, is safe, permanent and reliable. Mechanical methods, inclusing the use of pumps can cause damage to the veins. There are many veins which normaly return blood from the sex organ to the heart, have one way valves that are located throughout their length to prevent blood from flowing backwards (reflux). When these valves become faulty or damaged, the blood begins to flow in both directions instead, thereby causing pooling of blood around the penis.
Please note that our penis enhancements oils should not be used as masturbation aids. Their main purpose is to strengthen the sexual function of the man and should be used as such.
Side notes : veins erect
Medicinal leech oil by Ibu Lani is also used for Silat practitioners ( a form of Indonesian martial arts). The oils are used to repair damaged tendons and veins as well as imbue strength and endurance into the hands to take abuse. A regular customer has kindly provided these pictures. Please also see Leech therapy for muscle and joints pain lotion.

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11. E. Demir, A. Gureser, D. Karasartova, A. Taylan Ozkan, K. Mumcuoglu Scientometric analysis of literature on leeches and hirudotherapy between the years 1975 and 2016 10th Int. Conf. Biother. Bio-medicine – Biodiagnosis Biother. Istanbul, Turkey (2017), p. 33
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14. Research progress in the use of leeches for medical purposes
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