Natural Skin Care: Hei Ba Gao Keloid Treatment Masque 120ml

29.80 $

Quantity: 120 ml
Origin: Indonesia
Producer: Hei Ba Gao
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Black keloid paste; #keloidtreatmentmasque

The Hei Ba Gao or Black Keloid Paste is a classical, natural keloid treatment masque revived by Hainan TCM Hospital in the 80’s. It was first recorded in the ‘Pi Fu Wai Ke’ as adapted from an old TCM treatise. This unique treatment, known as ‘Black Keloid Paste’ or ‘Black Cloth Paste’ has shown positive shrinkage of the entire keloid over a sustained period of application.

The Hei Ba Gao is prepared according to an old and tried recipe. The earlier it is used during the formation of the keloid, the better will be the result. The new Hei Ba Gao has been reformulated over 19 procedures to enhance its effectiveness on remodelling the keloid. Today, the Hei Ba Gao can only be properly prepared manually by hand. For example, only claypots or eathern pots and wooden implements may be used in its preparation. The quantitiy made is  prohibitive for mass production. This is reason the black keloid paste is not widely sold.

The Black Keloid Paste is indicated for the vegetation of the connective tissue of the skin. Most lesions occur on scars wrought by external wounds, burns, infections, and surgery. A keloid scar is raised above the skin. It is pink or dark red, smooth and shiny. The scar will generate itch and sharp pains as it hardens and presses against the nerves.

Main ingredient

One of the key ingredient is Galla chinensis. See picture below.

The gall on the leaf of Rhus chinensis Mill. (Chinese sumac), Rhus potaninii Maxim. (potanin sumac) or Rhus punjabensis var. sinica (Diels) Rehd. et Wils. (red-punjab sumac), a deciduous dungarunga of the family Anacardiaceae, which is mainly formed by the parasitism of an insect called the “gall aphid”. The decidious tree grows to about 6 m tall. It is in flower in August.

The flowers are dioecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but only one sex is to be found on any one plant so both male and female plants must be grown if seed is required) and are pollinated by bees. The plant cannot grow in the shade. It requires moist soil. Galla Chinensis is an expensive herb as it can only be collected in the wild and not harvested.

Below shows fresh Galla Chinensis:

Below shows dried Galla Chinensis:

What makes the Hei Ba Gao the
best natural treatment for keloid scars ?

  1. Food grade ingredients
  2. No artificial preservatives
  3. Does not traumatise the skin
  4. Cost effective
  5. Non invasive
  6. No side effects; multiple keloids often form years after steriod injections or surgery

Actions of the Hei Ba Gao 

To clear heat, dry the dampness, promote blood circulation, dispel wind, stop itching and inflammation. Its mechanical action is to remodel the collagen matrix that composed the keloid, resulting in a more compact tissue mass. Picture above shows the flattening effect of the black paste on a keloid. The flattened part as contrasted with the raised portion. A portion is flattened in a diagonal line.

” I would like to state that as a Chinese girl, I became prone to Keloids at 16 years old. I have tried steroid injections, silicon scar plasters, silicon gels and steroid tape…oh and bio-oil. Hei Ba Gao is the only thing that has made a vast difference and ~ within 3-4 applications! I am not trying to sell the produc because I don’t work for them – because I don’tI am a student. I would just like to share my success because I know how it feels to suffer from abnormal looking scars – I have about 8 of them – and this is the greatest thing that has been invented that has modified my self esteem and I hope it helps you too. It really is the last product on the market that I have tried and I wish I had tried it earlier.” M. Chan

Note: one of the reasons for this customer’s highly positive response could be due to her young age. The skin is more pliable at youth and is relatively easy to rehabilitate. Unfortunately, keloids become dense as it proliferates scar tissues over time. This is one reason that the Hei Ba Gao is better used at a younger age.

” My name is Bill Davis sr., I have been using Hei Ba Gao for several weeks now, and the results have been mind blowing. I thank God for your product. The keloids on my head are beginning to shrink. Keep up the good work.”

” I’ve purchased this exact product from you before. I finished the container and noticed half had began flattening. I stayed a few months without using it and it began raising again so hopefully this time, it will flatten fully. Very pleased with this product. just thought I’d let you know.” Rozie L.

” Hi Jamu Shop, I would to thank you for your product ‘Hei Ba Gao’ which I have been using for the last month on my keloid. I developed this keloid over 10 years ago and have tried countless products, I can truly say that your product has produced the best results. My keloid has flattened and reduced in size, I am feeling great and regaining my self-esteem lost by this hideous scar. Thank you and thank you even more!!!”  Regards D. Philips

More Reviews


1. Arrest of itch, pain and growth Indicated for the inflammation and activity of the collagen fibres, which result in excessive tissue growth. Hardening of the keloid mass will cause it to press against nerve sections of the skin to cause pain. One key treatment criteria is to ensure that the keloid is softened. Once the keloid is softened, proliferation of scar tissues is inhibited. An untreated keloid becomes dense and hard over time, resulting in pain even for small movements.

keloid scar natural treatment

2. Mass reduction  Indicated for the shrinkage of the collagen mass. There may be some initial fluctuations in the size of the keloid, but over a few months, result will stabilize. Some will need to sustain treatment over a longer period of time to see optimum shrinkage. Flattening often occurs at the center of the keloid. It can be as flat as the normal skin while the 2 ends of the keloid will take a longer time. The same keloid mass shrunken considerably after 12 months of treatment comprising the Hei Ba Gao and Ba Hen Ling (with/without snake oil).  It can be seen that a scar is still visible but it is not longer keloidol and is much acceptable in appearance and sensation. Reasonable expectation is necessary. Some customers with thinner and smaller keloids see result in a shorter period of time. Keloids that have reformed from steroid injections and surgery will require a longer period of therapy. Keloids with larger mass will also require a longer period of treatment.

keloid scar natural treatment

natural keloid treatmentThe picture on the left shows a typical scenario of partial flattening. The leftover portions will fluctuate in appearances, as is the norm during treatment. The keloid matrix is susceptible to stimulus from food, weather, etc. Some food items will stimulate the keloid matrix, causing it to swell and itch.

Continued treatment will allow us to see a flattening of the keloid at the center and a consequent breaking up of the keloid into 2 smaller keloids. It is more manageable this way as the keloid mass does not stretch along the skin, restricting movement.

We wish to emphasize that the powerful responses of the skin to keep forming scar fibres cannot be undone overnight. A sustained period of remodeling efforts is required to condition the skin to gradually reduce the production of scar fibres and eventual maturity where no new scar fibres are formed.

Test result on 30 patients who used the new formula Hei Ba Gao: 99% positive response rate* 20 cases reported significant improvements :As defined by: [1] partial softening of the keloid, [2] partial significant flattening of the keloid, [3] partial restoration of normal skin colour and [4] restoration of mobility of underlying muscles. 10 cases reported major improvements: As defined by: [1] shrunken keloid mass, [2] softer keloid mass, [3] thinning keloid mass and [4] partial restoration of mobility of underlying muscles.

* over 36 months of usage


[ 1 ] Spread thinly on the keloid with clean fingers, about 0.5-1mm, daily. Leave on for 1-2 days. Cover the entire keloid with the black paste. Try to avoid surrounding skin.

Natural keloid treatment

[ 2 ] Apply on clean and dry skin on the keloid (try to avoid the surrounding skin).

[ 3 ] To prevent staining, a piece of cotton gauze (Not cotton pads) can be applied after the paste is slightly dry.

Natural keloid treatment

[ 4 ] Traditionally, the paste was left on the keloid for 2 days. For practicality, leave the paste on overnight for at least 8 hours.

[ 5 ] Please abstain from eating seafood, except fish, as marine proteins can accelerate collagen production, hence increasing keloid size. Other food substances to avoid include: alcohol, excessive beef, mutton, chillies, peppers and garlic. As dietary habits differ greatly across the globe, it is not possible for us to provide a comprehensive list. For a keloid sufferer, when taking foods, if the keloid feels very itchy and there is some temporary swelling, this would be the food item to avoid.

[ 6 ] The Black Keloid Paste is removed under running water (during shower) to soften the dried paste. It is then peeled off. Like a mask, the Black Keloid Paste will gradually dry and become hardened, generating sensations of the skin being pulled. Should it be inconvenient to wait until the paste dries thoroughly, cotton pads or gauze can be placed on the keloid so that it will not stain the clothes. If the skin is dry, reduce usage. During application, try to avoid the surrounding skin, where the skin is more delicate.

Natural Keloid remodelling 

Please note the 2 stages of using the paste:

Action: When the paste is applied, the keloid will appear red.

Effect: When the paste is removed, the keloid will feel softer and flatter a few hours later.

As remodelling treatment breaks down the collagen matrix of the keloid, you will notice: 1. wrinkling of the keloid and 2. the keloid breaking into smaller sections with some sections flattening faster than the others. Customers will notice the paste working about 1-2 days after an application, and not during the application. Although there is no rapid treatment for keloids, we can reduce an unsightly keloid into normal scar – one that does not itch, is neither raised nor growing. In most cases, the redness is largely reduced and the scar blends better with the surrounding skin in color and flatness.

Keloid remodelling is permanent as the scar tissues are reorganized. There is no suppression using steroids or other harmful chemicals. Optimum result can be obtained by using the Black Keloid Paste in combination with the Keloid salve. The key to a successful treatment is to constantly coat the keloid with either the Hei Ba Gao or the Ba Hen Ling or the Keloid cream with snake oil. Our treatment is not a cure, it is a therapy to help reverse the process of abnormal scar proliferation.

The Hei Ba Gao ‘Black Keloid Paste’ is not recommended for individuals who expect the treatment result to be equivalent to steroids injections or laser therapy. It is a natural, herbal alternative to gently remodel the keloid without causing it to be more aggressive. It is a long term, sustainable treatment. The Hei Ba Gao was formulated to be a non-invasive treatment to soften and flatten the keloid.

This Hei Ba Gao  ‘Black Keloid Paste’ is not suitable for individuals who wish to see quick result equivalent to that of steroid injections or laser therapy. This is a natural, alternative treatment which gently softens and flattens the keloid. It is a long term, sustainable treatment.


  1. If the keloid has recently been treated with steroids, lasers or cryotherapy, be advised that reformation of the keloid may delay the treatment progress with the Hei Ba Gao.

  2. The Black Keloid Masque is not to be used on broken skin.